I help brilliant women and men move from stuck or overwhelmed to motivated and balanced and
If the past 18 months has left you feeling stuck or overwhelmed you are not alone. I can help you get to the core of those perceptions to find balance.
I wanted to do an introductory email about the Demartini Method and how using it could support you and those you know . The Demartini Method has been developed by Dr John Demartini over the past 40 years and uses principles from a number of disciplines including but not limited to philosophy, physics, psychology and physiology.
It can support you in balancing your perception of a person, a situation or a memory and also help with a perceived loss or gain of something or someone.
Before you can use the method effectively you need to know your values. What do you value? Every decision you make is filtered through your values.
I’m not talking about undefinable values like freedom or travel or societal values like honesty, integrity or justice. Values in this case are those things that your life demonstrates as being true. There’s a values determination process you can complete online that will give you your answers in about 15 minutes, the only cost is your time.
My top 3 values are my children, online business, and personal development.
My life clearly demonstrates these things as I spend the majority of my time looking after my children and when I’m not doing that (or the periphery tasks associated with that) I use my time to learn about online business and the ways in which I can support others through an online business.
I have trained as an EFT practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique) and as a Demartini Method Facilitator. I’ve also learnt how to write website copy, create a website, create a logo, mailing lists etc.
I’m also interested in understanding myself and why I might behave in certain ways or how I can balance my own perception of past and present events.
The majority of the books I read, podcasts I listen to and people I follow on social media are related to these 3 areas of my life.
The past 2 years has forced all of us to reconsider what we value most and how our lives can best reflect what is truly important to us.
Vast numbers of people have been looking to move to the countryside. Others have realised that a more flexible work from home schedule allows them to have a better work life balance. There is real value in understanding what your values are and how
If there are any areas of your life where you feel you might benefit from support please do get in touch or if there’s anyone you know who you think may benefit then please forward this email to them.
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